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Exam FM Mock Exams

Mock Exams simulate the real exam experience. Unlike problem sets, solutions will not be revealed until the entire mock exam is finished. Mock exams are also timed and the user is not allowed to pause the exam. Mock exams are designed to be taken in one sitting, but the user can save the exam and come back to it later if absolutely necessary.

Adaptive Mock Exam

Adaptive Mock Exams are adaptive to your level and always consist of 30 questions. They also count as Standard Mock Exams on the platform. Standard Mock Exams are tracked for analytics.

Custom Mock Exam

Custom Mock Exams can be customized based on the number of questions and difficulty range.

Practice Questions as Mock Exams

To target specific topics or questions, the Linked Syllabus and Quick Start features can also be used to take mini mock exams. Shift between Problem Set Mode and Mock Exam Mode using the icon to the left of the "Start" button.