Welcome to The Actuarial Nexus!
We are an exam preparation platform specifically designed for the SOA preliminary actuarial exams.
We currently provide support for Exam P, FM, SRM, and PA.
For experienced candidates looking to get started right away, the Problem Sets page includes information about the core feature of the platform.
The platform also offers a range of free features for Exam FAM, Exam ASTAM, Exam ALTAM, and Exam PA.
What are Actuarial Exams?
To become a credentialed actuary, one needs to pass a series of rigorous math exams. Credentials allow actuaries to issue statements of actuarial opinion, sign certifications, command higher salaries, and sometimes advance to management positions.
The exam process takes several years to complete, but it is a necessary part of becoming a credentialed actuary. These exams cover a range of topics, including probability, financial mathematics, and statistics.
The Society of Actuaries (SOA) and the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) are the two primary actuarial organizations in the United States and Canada. Each organization has its own set of exams and requirements for certification.
Currently, The SOA and CAS jointly administer the first two preliminary exams (they used to share more exams):
Actuarial exams can be taken in any order, but many candidates choose to start with Exam P/1 or Exam FM/2. These two exams provide a solid foundation for subsequent exams, and are generally considered some of the easier exams.
Exam P covers probability theory, while Exam FM focuses on financial mathematics. Both exams require strong mathematical skills and a solid understanding of the underlying concepts.
Following the completion of these initial exams, candidates pursuing credentialing with the SOA often choose to take Exam SRM - Statistics for Risk Modeling or Exam FAM - Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics.
Candidates credentialing with the CAS typically take Exam MAS-I - Modern Actuarial Statistics I.
Study Materials
The Actuarial Nexus offers comprehensive study materials for Exam P, Exam FM, and Exam SRM. This includes full written courses, flashcards, and relevant practice questions.
A popular sentiment among candidates is that grinding through practice questions is the best way to prepare for the preliminary exams, and The Actuarial Nexus was specifically designed to facilitate this. The platform is built to excel in providing a wide range of features around practice questions and mock exams. Details and instructions are provided throughout these docs.
A limited sample of FREE questions are also offered for Exam FAM. For those on a budget or seeking additional practice, all platform features for Exam FAM are accessible without charge.
A FREE Exam PA product is currently in testing for the April 2025 sitting.